Getting started with sensitive data

If you landed on this page, you have probably received access to a Roseman Labs environment and are ready to start your analysis on sensitive data.

On this page, we guide you through the steps of initializing the platform and gathering data, to writing, approving and running an analysis.

Setting up your account(s)

As the owner, you should have received two emails from Roseman Cloud ( with a request to set up the accounts on your Roseman Labs environment(s). These emails are only sent to the owner and remain valid for two days.

One environment (generally the one that includes “design” in the URL) can be used to design crandas scripts on dummy data. The other (“authorized environment”) can be used to run an approved script on sensitive data. 

Click the links in each of these emails and take the following steps: 

Designing and approving an analysis

At least one account should have been assigned the “analyst” role in both environments. As an analyst, you can request data from others and write and execute analyses. As an analyst, please take the following steps: 

  • In your authorized environment, request the sensitive data you want to analyze using either a data request or a survey.  
      • Download your connection file and keypair from the platform in both the design and the authorized environment.  
      • Install crandas in your local python IDE and connect to the design environment. 
      • Write and record your analysis as a crandas script, using dummy data and the table handles of the sensitive production datasets. 
      • Request approval for the analysis using the platform. 
      • Download the APPROVED file from the platform and run the approved analysis.


      Documentation about the platform in general can be found at For crandas-specific documentation, please refer to  

      If you have any questions or if you encounter issues while using Roseman Labs, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via or file a support ticket using Should you need further assistance, we can schedule a 30-minute timeslot to do a quick onboarding. We are always happy to help!