The platform ‘user management’ page allows administrators to define access and permissions for users. Each user can be assigned one or more of the following 4 roles:
1. Admin
Admins are key players in our platform's management, with the authority to manage user access and assign roles. Admins can only be registered through the admin registration page (currently can only be done by Roseman Labs). The permissions include:
- Inviting users to the environment
- Assigning roles to users
During the initialization phase, the first admin added to the environment becomes the owner and holds unique responsibilities compared to other admins (only for this phase). In addition to all the functions of an Admin, the Owner is responsible for:
- Selecting and inviting the approvers (have the authority to approve analyses).
There can only ever be 1 owner and after initialization the approvers decided by the owner become fixed.
2. Data provider
Data providers are users that can import datasets to the environment such that they can be used in analyses. Their permissions include:
- Importing of datasets to the platform
3. Analyst
Analysts can design and execute analyses (with approval). Their permissions include:
- Submitting their analyses for approval by the designated approvers
- Sending requests
- Sending surveys
4. Approvers
Approvers play a critical role in ensuring that only specific queries can be executed. The approvers invited during the system's initialization become permanent once the initialization setup has been completed. Their permissions involve:
- Reviewing and approving analyses using their unique keys.
All users can be invited to data requests or surveys.
Understanding the roles (and the permissions they entail) allows roles to be correctly assigned, ensuring seamless collaboration within the platform. Hopefully this has allowed you to gain a better understanding of each user's permissions.
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