How to change user roles (Admin)

    As an admin, it's likely that you want to change the roles of those participating within the collaboration occasionally. Fortunately this is very easy to do, as we will illustrate in the steps below. 

    Please note that this is possible for all roles apart from approver. Users can only be allocated this role in the initialisation phase and then are fixed following confirmation (i.e. cannot be changed).


    1. Navigate to Settings which can be found in the top navigation bar

    2. Click on User management. 


    3. Here you will have an overview of all the users in the collaboration. As an admin, you can check the boxes to assign roles to a user. This can also be used to remove a role too, if needed. 

    If you decide you want to delete the user from the collaboration, this can be done by clicking the trash button at the end of the row: 

    If you remove the role of data provider from a user, they will still be able to view and delete their own datasets.