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Platform V3.10.0 | 27 February 2025
- Transfer of approval role
The approver plays a crucial role in the platform, and you now have the ability to transfer this role to other users. Current approvers must approve this change. To minimize disruption, we recommend performing approver updates outside of working hours, as the platform will be temporarily unavailable during the transfer process.
Platform V3.9.0 | 13 February 2025
Optional invitation emails
When inviting new users to the platform, you can now choose whether to send an invitation email. If new users will log in using a password, we recommend enabling invitation emails. For organizations utilizing Single Sign-On (SSO), you can disable the invitation email for registration.
Welcome guidance for new users
New users will receive a welcome message when joining the platform, providing links and guidance. Whether they are analysts seeking crandas documentation or approvers looking to understand the approval process, the welcome message will direct them to relevant resources.
Data request
Data request validation for the data provider
When responding to a data request, you now have flexibility in specifying data formats. By clicking on the gear icon (⚙️) on the right side of a row, you can access column settings. This is particularly useful for date formats, allowing you to adjust them to ensure dates are encrypted in the correct format.
Platform V3.8.0 | 16 January 2025
- Import datasets with over 1 million rows for analyses. For larger files, a progress indicator will be displayed to show the encryption progress.

Platform V3.7.0 | 16 January 2025
- Approvers of the system are now visible to all users in settings.
- Code snippets revised in the design and authorized environments for data sources, data requests, and surveys to make them easier to use.
- You can now select other analysts to download and execute an approval file, not just the analyst who created it.
Data request/Survey
- Save draft functionality added; if you are creating a data request or survey and the session times out or you log out, you can now resume editing.
- Minor fixes for duplicating surveys and data requests.
Platform V3.6.3 | 21 November 2024
- Surveys can be opened in a mobile-friendly format.
Platform V3.6.0 | 7 November 2024
- Admins can now assign other admins directly through the platform.
- New popup sizes added for improved user experience.
- Various bug fixes to enhance platform stability.
- Surveys can now be exported and imported into another Roseman Labs environment.
- You can now share survey links directly with participants.
- Email reminders can be sent to participants to complete surveys.
- Empty state visuals added to improve the survey creation experience.
- Actions dropdown added to better organize actions.
- Minor bug fixes for a smoother experience.
Data request
- You can now share data request links with participants.
- Email reminders can now be sent for participants to complete a data request.
- Actions dropdown added to better organize actions
- Fixed an issue with data request duplication.
Platform V3.5.0 | 17 October 2024
- Unified engine update for streamlined design and authorized platform communication
- Favicon updated to match the help center and website
- Various styling changes
Platform V3.4.0 | 3 October 2024
- New for admins: email settings pages. You can manage all sorts of emails in this page, such as sending survey invitations or removal of a data source.
- Generate table handle on demand even when the survey is not closed. With this feature you can start your analysis before the deadline.
- New question types: Single and multi select dropdown. These question types are ideal if you have many options. Bonus: the question types are grouped.
New functionality on survey creation: show or hide participant response status. With this feature, you won't see who filled in the survey.
Data request
- Regular expressions in validation rules for data request. Use this validation rule for email validation for example.
Platform V3.3.1 | 19 September 2024
- Security update for Keycloak
Platform V3.3.0 | 5 September 2024
Data request improvements
- Error messages are now actionable
- Error details download in data validation includes all validation errors
- Empty rows will be removed during CSV import in data request
- Max length of other option in single select is set to 255 characters
Platform V3.2.0 | 29 August 2024
- Usability improvement for the creation of a data request or a survey with a step-by-step approach, showing progress along the way
- Import your python file in addition to the JSON-file, to increase readability of the analysis on approval. The python file will be available for both the analyst and the approver
User management
- Various styling improvements to makes it easier to assign roles
- Bulk user importing with a CSV importer
- Create groups and assign users to groups for easy selection in data requests and surveys
- Update groups and view users that are part of a group on a dedicated page
- Search functionality to easily find the user you need
- New question type: textual input field
- New question type: multi select (checkboxes)
Data request
- new validation rule: BSN (Dutch Social Security Number) when using a string data type.
Platform V3.1.0 | 19 June 2024
- Various styling/UX improvements
- Simplified role logic, so accounts can only see information and functionality relevant to them
Platform V3.0.0 | 24 May 2024
- Various styling/UX improvements
Introduction of the survey functionality
- Analysts can now create surveys with the following question types:
- Radio button
- Rating scale
- Yes/no
- Integer
- Fixed point
- Date
- Introduction of the respondent role
Security Upgrades
- Keycloak upgrade
Other features
- Improved code snippets
Breaking changes
- In case survey functionality is included as part of the upgrade, the templates for importing survey responses via the platform need to be signed by the approver.
Platform V2.6.0 | 3 May 2024
- Expand allowed special characters for passwords
Data request improvements
- Display correct dates in data request code snippet
- Fix data request specifications not resetting on type change
- Add date column to requestee table
Platform V2.5.2 | 3 April 2024
- Support for
of the engine (older versions of the engine are no longer supported) - Introduced support for automatic SSO login through URL parameter
- Various linguistic changes
- Logging improvements
Data request improvements
- The columns of data request submissions are now sorted according to the structure of the data request
Platform V2.5.0 | 8 February 2024
- Improved usability by updating the main navigation bar. This help center and the settings page is now always available at the top of the page:
- When you want to leave the page with unsaved changes, you will need to confirm this decision. Example: When you are creating a data request and try to leave the page without completing it, it will check whether or not you wish to discard this information.
System settings
- When you are getting started with Roseman Labs, you will need to connect crandas with the platform. From now on, you will have easy access to the file that allows you to connect via the system settings page. Please note that these links are specific to your organisation.
Data import and data request
- When you are importing data you can click on "encrypt". When you hit this button, an additional confirmation pop-up will be displayed to make sure you are aware that the data will be encrypted.
Platform V2.4.1 | 4 January 2024
Data request improvements
- Updated translations for the validation errors when importing a data source
- Addition of multiple equality validation rule for integer columns
Version visibility
- If you want to know which version you are currently working on, checkout the "System" page via "Settings"
Connection file
- Find the connection file in the "Settings" > "Account" page for easy integration with your crandas package.
Platform V2.4.0 | 18 December 2023
Graphical profiles
- Align your portal with your branding. Pick from 5 different color schemes (pink, blue, electric blue, green or purple) while keeping accessibility for optimal usage. More information available via this link.