In this article, we will explain why private keys are required and how they are used by both approvers and analysts.
Private keys serve as a secure method to confirm your identity and authorize important actions in the platform. They ensure that only the intended users can perform sensitive operations, such as approving system changes or executing analyses. Since this is intended for authorization, it is very important that you do not share your private key.
For more details on how to download your private key, see this article.
Who Uses Private Keys?
Approvers use their private keys to:
- Approve analyses.
- Authorize system upgrades (for more details, see this article)
This ensures that only authorized approvers can approve analyses and critical system changes.
Analysts need their private keys to execute approved analyses.
This makes sure that only the analyst who created the analysis—or those they have approved—can run it.
For more details on how authorization works as an analyst, refer to our crandas documentation.
In Summary
- Private keys verify your identity and allow you to authorize actions in the platform.
- Approvers use them to approve analyses and authorize system upgrades.
- Analysts use them to execute analyses.
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